
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time Flies When You Have an Evie!

Its been a while since we updated, but Evie (and the rest of life) keep us pretty busy. We enjoyed our recent trip to Florida, but missed our little girl terribly. It is so good to be back with her. She seems to change everyday.
She now has her own language, in a sense. She spits a lot as either a greeting or an invitation to play - or who knows what else. She also does a little blowing or whispering (which I think may be an attempt to whistle), especially when she wants daddy's attention. She uses dada and nana/mama a lot, but we're not sure if she knows what she is saying. She definitely understands "no". She also seems to try to give us kisses, but is sounds more like a pop sound than anything else. When she sits down and opens a book, she "reads" it by whispering a little to herself and then turning the page and whispering some more. It is so cute to watch.
She is also progressing in other areas - some fun and some not so fun. She has learned to play peek-a-boo, mostly with herself. She will take whatever she can find and cover her face, wait a second and then pull it down and look at you as if you missed your cue. She stands unaided quite frequently now and has taken a couple steps before falling, but she doesn't try all that often. I am sure she will get it soon enough, too soon really. On the not-so-exciting side of that coin, she now can pull herself up in her crib when put to bed, which makes that time of the day rather adventurous.
She is also working on her first top tooth right now, so we are having some tiring days. She will put as much of blanket in her mouth as possible and just bite down with all her might. Hopefully, it will be over soon - until the next tooth.
I am sure I could tell stories all night, but I should go to bed sometime. Tomorrow will be another adventure. I feel as though I am just beginning to understand what a wonderful gift God gives when he grants children -speaking of which, we are so excited to be getting a cousin in November from Aunt Ang and Uncle Tim. Praise the Lord!
P.S. Check back soon for a picture of Evie's post-bath hairdo!

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