
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Evie is changing all the time! It is hard to keep up. She now eats pretty much when we do - she even has her last bottle about when we have our evening ice cream. She has recently learned how to clap and does it all the time. It usually means that she wants some food or she wants to do pattycake. I think its humorous that I have tried so hard to teach her to do please in sign language, but when she wants something and she claps instead.
She also just started getting her third tooth so she currently has 2 1/2 teeth and they are all right along the bottom. She has started eating little rice puff snacks and likes them much better than anything else right now. How do I know? She claps each time she gets one.
She is developing vocally as well. She came home from Gramma and Grampa's spitting and making raspberries - that's what happens when we go see the grandparents, I guess : ) She also says dada all the time when she's happy and mama only when she gets very, very mad. When she wakes up and stands up in her crib she usually just calls out nana. So we are not sure what all these things mean yet.
Speaking of waking up in her crib, she is sick right now with a little cold and woke up several times last night so we both need a nap today. Hopefully she will be feeling well enough for another round of visiting grandparents!

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