
Monday, April 19, 2010

Where Have You Been in the World?

The title of this post is how Evie would ask what you might be thinking, although I am not sure that my absence is really noteworthy. I have been silent on the blog scene for several weeks for a couple reasons.
1) I started a post about jury duty that I haven't completed and I didn't want posts to be out of chronological order so I kept putting off other posts because it was taking me too long to fully capture the whole jury duty experience. Especially for Ronette, my favorite court reporter, I will try to get that one finished off one of these days. I am sure she is plenty busy adoring her new grandson (and his older brother) right about now anyway.
2) I have spent some of the time that I might have spent blogging researching (my husband has worn off on me), booking and preparing for our upcoming vacation to the Dominican Republic. It took me weeks to find a deal within our budget and yes, my dearest mother-in-law, I did use a coupon. It brings me great joy to imagine the smile on her face as she reads that last line. Me and my coupons again...
There have been other distractions as well- container gardening, the excellent weather, projects, orchestra rehearsal, sorting and re-distributing toys, but I think that I can return to regular posts soon. The girls are certainly doing their part by providing (in my opinion) blog-worthy material. Lily must have noticed that she wasn't getting the blog time that Evie has and has upped her level of verbalization and personality exhibition in what I suspect is an attempt to secure a greater share of the limelight. Evie, not wanting to be outdone, has stepped up to the challenge. There will certainly be no shortage of "post"-able happenings.

For those of you Monk-ish people who might take note of the time stamp and wonder why I am blogging at this late/early hour, you will just have to read my next post.

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